Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Tribute to My Group Mates

You know what, between you and me, I really hate group assignment…I mean I don’t mind doing laboratory work as a team and writing individual reports…but doing everything as a team…research, report…etc…just doesn’t cut it for me…the fact that I have to rely on somebody else just annoys me.
Well, this semester, I was force out of my comfort zone…for PHIL3910 (technology and human values), we had to do group assignments together…which included a 4000 word report on appropriate technology as well as group presentations every fortnight…
To be perfectly honest, the first time we work as a group, I was highly skeptical…for our first presentation, we had to give a brief description about values systems and value inquiry…during discussion, we all just stood there…chatting while other groups were scrambling to find talking points…I was a little worried…but we made it through that round…Over the course of time…we learn to gel as a team…but I suppose, the biggest motivation is that we felt that to pass this course, we really had to rely on each other…slowly (actually rather quickly)…we harness out presentation prowess…our lecturer seem to be always impress by our presentations…
I just got back from my groups last meeting, to finalize our group report…let truth reign…again, we started rather late with this assignments…but in the end…I was pleasantly surprise the quality of the report…since I was the only 2nd year among 3rd year students in my group…I learn heaps about putting together a proper report…not to mention tons of cool words (mostly engineering technical term)…I know I wouldn’t have done nearly as good as a job is the task of putting it together was thrown on my shoulder…
But alas, today signaled the final collaboration between 5 of us. All the work needed to push us this far has been completed…we’ll (at least me, since all of them are 3rd year chem. Eng students) probably never work together as a team anymore…I prayed for a good group to be in…and I got it…
Wazza, Walshe, Jess and Karan…was fun working with you guys… but its goodnight and good luck…adios amigos…catch you another time…

Friday, May 12, 2006

V for Vendetta

Remember, Remember the Fifth of November
The Gunpowder Treason and Plot
I know of no reason why the Gunpowder Treason
Should ever be forgot

I finally watch ‘V for Vendetta’ just the other night. I have to say that I was quite impressed by it, I really enjoyed it. However, I think it’s one of those movies that you either love it or hate it. In a nutshell, the movie is about V, the central character, a one man army who dons a Guy Fawkes mask, hell-bent on bringing down the then pseudo-Nazi British government. I believe the true value of this movie lies within the symbolism rather than the plot itself. I liked the movie so much so that it prompted me to do a little research for myself.
Firstly, we have to know the history of Guy (a.k.a Guido) Fawkes. Since King Henry the VIII’s reign, England was divided between the Catholics and protestant with the fractions bitterly fighting over the throne. After the death of Queen Elizabeth I, James I became the successor to the throne (in 1603). The Catholics thought this would signal the end of their persecution, however, to the contrary, King James had no intention of granting leniency toward the Catholics.
Fawkes was Catholic and a soldier who fought for Spain in the Netherlands. His reputation soon was noticed by Thomas Wintour who invited him to join 3 other men (the whole group eventually raised up to 13 members) who form the initial gun powder plot in 1604. By March 1605, the group had rented a celler under the parliament and began stock piling 36 barrels of gunpowder. However, their plot somehow leaked into the government, but, the conspirators still went ahead with their plans. Parliament was due to meet on the 5th of November, and it was that day King James men discovered the stock piled and captured Fawkes (who was standing guard and was in charge of lighting the fuse). He was tortured and interrogated. Fawkes was tried on January 27th, 1606, and executed on Janury 30th.
After the failure of the gunpowder plot, King James decreed that anniversary of the plot’s failure should always be remembered. The celebration is now known as Bonfire Night. It is unclear however weather people celebrate its failure or its attempt in these times.
Thus this brings us to ‘V’; V is a very unique larger than life super-hero, unlike most super-heroes who hide their character behind a mask, V’s mask projects his character. V has no alter ego, the man behind the mask died in Larkhill, so in other words, V simply is V. But V isn’t just a character, he is in ideal, he is the physical embodiment of Fawkes ideals- Fairness, Freedom, Justice and Tolerance. In fact, he represents every man’s desire for the world. Even though he wears a Guy Fawks mask, he is not trying to be Guy Fawkes, he is however trying to succeed where Fawkes failed.
But, there is still one thing viewers cannot overlook, despite all that V stands for. Though his action, V really is a radical and a terrorist. Even though he captures the audience with his charisma and charm, V is the bad guy in the eyes of the government who sets the law (which defines right and wrong). The beginning of the movie starts by V blowing up a building. His motivation is; “The building (Parliament) is a symbol, as is the act of destroying it. Symbols are given power by people. Alone a symbol is meaningless, but with enough people, blowing up a building can change the world”. Besides that, V is sadistic and murderous. He tortures and kills people without hesitation. V knows this, that’s why he introduces himself as both a Victim and a Villain. A Victim because he is who is though the governments biological project, and a Villain because he is directly attacking the governments regime. It hard to condone or justify V’s acts as a terrorist, despite V’s good intentions, all terrorist share the same ideals, that an act of destruction sends a message that would resonate. The only consolation I can give is that, V’s target isn’t the people, so he doesn’t intentionally harm civilians, instead, the aggression is all targeted towards the government itself. Unlike terrorist of today, their target is the people, and finding ways to maximize havoc. The root of all terror acts today is spawn from the seed of evil. You can see it clearly from the trail of one of the caught Al Queda member (the Frenchman). It is clear his acts are purely out of hatred and not gearing towards creating a better tomorrow. I guess you would have to look at V in a different light, and the circumstances which surround it.
V also recognizes that order can only come after chaos. This drives him to do what he does. Like the way he tortures and brain washes Evey to make her see his ideology. That is freedom cannot be achieved without feeling the pain that comes before it (that is true for almost all of us). We need not look far to see how this applies. All the nation power houses had to go though a chaotic period before shaping their identity. The Europeans have their Renaissance, the Americans had its Civil War, the Japanese went thought the Bakumatsu and China also had a Civil War between Chan Kai Sik and Mao Zhi Dong. All these shaped and gave each country its identity and culture. None describe this ideology than went V said “…The world that I’m apart of and that I help shape will end tonight, and tomorrow a different world will begin, one where different people will shape it and the choice belongs to them”. He accepts his role as chaos and destruction of the old world, and when it was finally completed his role as he knew it was over.
V is more than a menagerie of ideas, he is the driving force that puts all that ideas into action. By each act of vengeance and vendettas, his vision will one day be fully vindicated.
I end with extracts from Valerie’s autobiography:
“…But it was my integrity that was important. Is that so selfish? It sells for so little, but it's all we have left in this place. It is the very last inch of us. But within that inch we are free…
…It's strange that my life should end in such a terrible place, but for three years I had roses and I apologized to nobody…
I shall die here. Every last inch of me shall perish. Except one…An inch. It's small and it's fragile and it's the only thing in the world worth having. We must never lose it, or sell it, or give it away. We must never let them take it from us.”
