Thursday, January 31, 2008

The Lost Whisper

WARNING: Spoiler to the movie 'Lost in Translation'

Man...'Lost in Translation' was a pretty bad movie...made absolutely no sense...what worse was the whisper in the final scene in the middle of busy Tokyo...
Anyway thanks to some fanboy with limited access to technology was able to decipher that last scene...stoke of brilliance or plane be the judge...

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

People Getting Punched Just Before Eating

Common' know you want to click 'PLAY'......

Friday, January 18, 2008

Everything Changes...A Multimedia Digital Retrospective Presentation...

I was really inspired inspired by one of mom's earlier post about 'December' one has grown and the other ones journey just beginning...etc etc...So I was flipping through some old photographs...and I was just taken by how much things has changed over the I found pictures that I never even seen know what they say..."everyday is a new adventure". I know I know, there are tons of pictures when me and my siblings were younger…looks like a cheap plow to get people to read my blog…but hey…my blog my rules…besides…it’s fun

So I present to you...the new old and improved 'Multimedia Digital Retrospective Presentation'... Enjoy...

P.S: Wini…I searched high and low and still can’t find this mysterious knee high socks of which you speak of…I beginning to doubt the existence of these pair of garment (for the feet…to the knees)

1) The kids change...

I really like this's the first time I've seen this picture...I like how the boys are carry a tommy gun and a rifle, while the girl is holding a barbie doll...the only question is...was this picture taken spontaneously...or was it staged...
I actually vaguely remember this one...I think it was some of the nick-knacks from the Christmas eve celebration gift bag...Zorro was huge at the time...not kidding...
This one was taken in springs i think...correct me if I'm wrong...although...I'm never wrong...anyway...still no sign no knee high socks...
This one actually had a date...which meant I was 16 at the be young...we became much larger...maybe even larger than life...we always seem to think so...

2) The neighbor changed
We used to be good mates at the time...we used to hang around and play after school...that was until I realized she was a girl and she realized I was a boy...harsh reality of life...
After years and years apart...since she had her life...and I had mine...we collaborated once again to host/emcee my sister wedding...needless to was a success...thanks to the sharp improvisation skill of the emcees...

3) The housing estate (taman) changed...
There used to be a hill in front of our old house...but to seemed like a mountain...during some evenings...before we were allowed to scale the 'mountain' ourselves...our dad would hike up the hill with us carrying his trusty pocket knife...he would then carve objects upon our request from mudstones...we would say something like "Papa, can you make me a boomerang, a gun, a horse, a dog....etc etc..." and he would...although thinking back....they all curiously looked like 'L's.....hahahahaha....although...through a kids' imagination...nothing is impossible...good times... hill was flatten to make way for a new luxury condominium...ironically, the boy in the red car had something to do with about preserving childhood memories...

4) The Christmas tree changed
This was our old Christmas looked pretty 'lightweighted'...lacked omph...although it more than made up with the sheer amount of gifts under the tree...these days...the tree is replaced by a much larger, more life like version (refer to previous post)...sadly...the gifts have somewhat extincted over the years...

5) The living room changed...
This was our old living room...those had a 20 inch?? TV that had to be controlled manually...which meant someone had to go up to the TV and changed it themselves...that job usually fell to also had a VCR and a single deck cassette and radio player...the two decorative plates at the back were brought back from my father from England as a souvenir from his time was later broken by the kids who were playing ball in the house when it was strictly prohibited...bottom line...nobody follows rules... is replaced by somewhat state of the art technology...32 inch flat screen TV, DVD player, double deck cassette, triple VCD and CD player with build in radio with surround sound... also a VCR and...satellite TV...How technology has raced through time...

Part 2

Any room for my parent?? You bet there is...Anyway, this first part I was torn between two titles...'The Evolution of a Socialite' or 'The Ascension of a be the judge...although they both sound good...I tried my best to make a historical timeline...which was hard...since there was no date stamped on the photograph (except that from my rehabilitation using the old digital cam) i went by the size of the kids...

Fresh grad...the year was eeeerrr 197_...this was the look that defined a generation...the fairly straight/ wavy shoulder length hair coupled with the thick rim,ed glasses....ahhhh, so full of hope.
This one....eeerrr don't really know what that is...but best describe as a motorcycle helmet with fringes...I'm aware it sounds a tad bit insulting...but most of the 70s and early 80s was ( i was born mid-80s)...hahaha, kidding...if someone knows a better way to describe that, then do enlighten...anyway...having said was a good long...i think it'll still pass as a good look be the judge.
This one I call the Marge Simpson perm...Why? because this hairstyle definitely defies gravity.
Then came the return of the shoulder length straighten hair...but the thick rimmed glasses were left in the 70s...along with Carol Carpenter...
This...this is a cross between the straight and the perm...and the rest is pretty much kept that hairstyle from here on out...albit minor modifications here and there you go...a picture of a jet-setting socialite mom with 3 kids....

This next section...I call..."Bell Bottom Blues"...

First came the clean shaven and short hair look...fresh out of university...the year was 197_ +1. Dad graduated a year after mom...
Then came the addition of 2 children and a moustouche and the side parting the the right...other wise known as the Ringo or Lobo look...minus the long hair of course...Legend has it that Moses was responsible for that hairstyle...
Another kid rolled into the frame...but the moustouche was long gone ...the parting though, stayed...guess the Israelites haven't made their way across...
Then...eeeerrrr...well, you get the picture...when you have a winning keep it...