Friday, January 18, 2008

Part 2

Any room for my parent?? You bet there is...Anyway, this first part I was torn between two titles...'The Evolution of a Socialite' or 'The Ascension of a be the judge...although they both sound good...I tried my best to make a historical timeline...which was hard...since there was no date stamped on the photograph (except that from my rehabilitation using the old digital cam) i went by the size of the kids...

Fresh grad...the year was eeeerrr 197_...this was the look that defined a generation...the fairly straight/ wavy shoulder length hair coupled with the thick rim,ed glasses....ahhhh, so full of hope.
This one....eeerrr don't really know what that is...but best describe as a motorcycle helmet with fringes...I'm aware it sounds a tad bit insulting...but most of the 70s and early 80s was ( i was born mid-80s)...hahaha, kidding...if someone knows a better way to describe that, then do enlighten...anyway...having said was a good long...i think it'll still pass as a good look be the judge.
This one I call the Marge Simpson perm...Why? because this hairstyle definitely defies gravity.
Then came the return of the shoulder length straighten hair...but the thick rimmed glasses were left in the 70s...along with Carol Carpenter...
This...this is a cross between the straight and the perm...and the rest is pretty much kept that hairstyle from here on out...albit minor modifications here and there you go...a picture of a jet-setting socialite mom with 3 kids....

This next section...I call..."Bell Bottom Blues"...

First came the clean shaven and short hair look...fresh out of university...the year was 197_ +1. Dad graduated a year after mom...
Then came the addition of 2 children and a moustouche and the side parting the the right...other wise known as the Ringo or Lobo look...minus the long hair of course...Legend has it that Moses was responsible for that hairstyle...
Another kid rolled into the frame...but the moustouche was long gone ...the parting though, stayed...guess the Israelites haven't made their way across...
Then...eeeerrrr...well, you get the picture...when you have a winning keep it...


Penny152 said...

I remember that shot at the Memorial Garden in Kundasang and the shot in the chalet in the National Park. Those days when the simple outing would get the children all excited - no need for expensive toys.

Ah Bou said...

Was any of the shots at the Memorial Park...don't recognize it...Kundasang was a huge event for at least. Still is...just that we don't go there anymore...
Anyway...those early photos dad...was that dad's hellraiser look during the days...hahahahaha