Sunday, July 16, 2006

Goodbye to a Friend

Oh STEWART, What a turbulent friendship we have endured.

It’s hard to imagine that our friendship has lasted so long…

One and a half years…alas, it’s time to bid each other farewell.

So many memories I will cherish…

I remember the first time I met you…

I was shocked at the price you demanded for our collaboration,

I had no choice…but since then, we have come so far…

You were indeed a friend that brought out some of the best in me.

But you were a difficult friend as well…

Your theorems and ideas far exceeded mine and constantly left me dumb-founded.

Persistent you were…forcing yourself onto me when I wanted nothing to do with you.

Sometimes I found myself toiling and slaving over you…sometimes…sometimes even having sleepless nights just trying to understand you…

BUT STEWART…you shall haunt me no more…for today…we part and say our final goodbyes…

Goodbye STEWART…I'll cherish our time together…I shall always try to remember everything you had taught me…

I will miss you dearly my friend…

I’m sure at some point in my life, I shall need you again…but I hope it will be few and far between

So long and farewell my friend…


Serenely said...
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Serenely said...

From MH: Hey I have this book too! I never revisted it again though...