Sunday, July 16, 2006

Winter Break 2006

First I apologize to my faithful readers…I know I have disappointed my small but very supportive fan base…and those of us in the business know it’s all about the fans…anyway here are some of the long awaited highlights from my winter break with the family…I have to upload them quickly or else some fans might start boycotting me…hahahah…plus I pinky promise Serene I’ll upload them first thing when I get home.

Circular Quey revisted

Lunch at the fish market...yummers...good stuff

Opera House revisited...picture taken from the Harbour Bridge

Harbour Bridge with the sunset backdrop

Couldn't be any more blokeky...

The guys staring at the gigantic reptile thing...not a T-Rex by the way...

I was the guinea pig...since none of them wanted to get on the mechanical contraption

The much anticipated family photo...dinner prepared by me...but the credit was controversially given to Sam and Jia Ming...

This has BROTHERLY LOVE written all over it...!!!

Afternoon tea at Leura , Blue Mountains in a place called Eagle's called bygone beauts...which included scones (you have to say it the scottish way) with strawberry jam and cream accompanied with tea...yummers...


Serenely said...

thank you for keeping your pinky promise... but was the dinner really prepared by you? give credit where credit is due lar...

jenQker said...

image 7: it was really a race between life and death.

Alfred Lee said...

Hey Paul, Please upload or send more photo's of 5 of you taken in Sydney.

Penny152 said...

Still waiting for your call to update us on yhour results