Thursday, April 21, 2005

A Little Something About Marriage

Here’s a little something I learned off 1 of my conversation with our college care-taker. His name is Tim, and when he has dinner at the college, he usually sits with us and has all sorts of conversation. Now I can’t recall how this conversation came about, but I think it started when we asked him about his wife and kids. So he proceeded to elaborate about his family, took a pause, turns to me and goes, “You know, marriage is like a business partnership. In a business partnership, both parties will strive to reach an agreement where it benefits both of them. In the same way, when you’re married, you have to think you know ‘what’s in it for them’, and not just yourself”. Well, I’m not married, so I can’t really give concrete advice regarding marriage, although my parents are in fact marriage counselors. But, I guess looking back at that statement, it does make a lot of sense. And more importantly, it does give us a guideline on how to approach friendships, relationships and anything to do with people. On a lighter note, he goes on to say “ They say MEN are the HEAD of the family, but what they fail to realize is that WOMEN are the NECK in the family, see nobody notices the neck, but the thing is, WHO MAKES THE HEAD TURN???” interesting huh? Well, I shouldn’t go on about this, might give women too much ideas.


Penny152 said...

We see it differently. The neck supports the head and both are interdependent. Can you imagine a head without the neck ? or vice-versa ? Both move in tandem with each other. tell your friend Tim that !!

Alfred Lee said...

I remeber our Premarital Trainer, Ps Ho said the same thing. Man is the head and woman is the neck. The neck is not much of controlling the head but rather supporting the head. Like mom said, they work in tandum.