Anyway, I’m currently doing a portion of my industrial training here…it’s been good…I have a good boss/employer/mentor (which ever works), so work should be interesting, as we like to always keep things fresh around the office. To be honest, some days, I wish there would be some mondo-serious problems that goes on in the construction site, just so I could kick up my report to another notch, or as that gay guy from queer eye would say, “jzush it up”, but that would just be selfish…I guess there really is no substitute for quality.
So aside from work, I’ve been doing the usual chillin’, although I find myself very lethargic most of the time…I guess my body is telling me to take a time-out…but hey, who sleeps anymore.
Here’s a story to wet your appetite, last night me and the gang were out for supper, but amidst the chaos of finding a place to chill, I guess someone failed to appreciate the fact that the gang would have preferred to hang pass midnight (I’m exaggerating of course, nobody is really to blame). So there we were in the all too familiar awkward situation of “So where should we go now?”…the usual places were thrown into the mix (the customary Salims and Damais), but somehow those places don’t seem to hold the same esteem/pizzaz it used to for us (don’t ask me why, I’m equally baffled). So, being the usual me, I tried to shake things up (as you all know how much I like to keep things fresh)…you know, test the waters, see how far we were willing to break from our vicious cycled called “routine”…I then proceed to suggest something that would put the most astute businessmen to shame…I said, “How ‘bout we head off to 7-11 for some slurpess”, different opinions were thrown into the discussion, but the general idea was “Hey, that’s really just half a plan”…I then replied “you know, we all could just sit on the curb, after all, we don’t get tickets for loitering…better yet, how ‘bout we head down to say, Tg. Lipat to savor out slurpess”, yet more opinion were circulated around…but the suddenly, there was a sense of glee penetrating within this group that has rarely been seen, a sense of curiosity and the little adventurer in all of us were eeking to just break loose…but still a couple of chicks express their utter disgust at the very thought of the idea…so hence the debate continued…but boy was I so close to making that wining basket…the votes were leaning to my side…until another friend of ours entered the frame...and said the magic words…music to the groups ears…like a magician uttering the magic “abra-ka-dabra”…all the had to say was “I just swung by upper-star and the place is practically empty with plenty of parking”…at that moment…there and then the game was lost…I guess you really can’t teach old dogs new tricks...not that I liken my friends to a common bunch of mongrels…they’re more like cocker-spaniel…just kidding…The game of basketball has many quirks…in the history of the game…there have been a million attempts of that glorious “wining shot”…from journeymen to all-stars have all went in seach of that “Mythical basket”…but only the ones who make it will be remembered…the rest will be “just another guy who attepted a shot”…Oh well, at least you can’t blame a guy for trying…