Friday, December 21, 2007

Day 3 in Paradise

Two post in a row…that must be some kind of record…someone should seriously pop open the celebration, cause this frequency in blogging should be rewarded. Another lazy day as usual…but who says lazy days are bad…anyway, ‘Heroes’ is only up to season 1 episode 15 here…which baffles me, since like the series aired here on January, and was up to episode 5 when I left for Newcastle in February…strange…maybe it’s a mystery we can get Mulder to solve…you know…I was planning to get some reading done during this break…particularly my mini book project ‘In Cold Blood’…but man, this house has been way way to comfortable…the living room is a definite no no, since the TV is always turned on…I tried reading in the patio, but the chairs were uncomfortable, and my butt just hurt after like 15 minutes…so I tried the living room upstairs…but after like 5 pages…I just dozed off and ended up napping…challenging reading has taken a whole new meaning…boy I can tell you that…

Anyway, I was watching a documentary about the London sewers which was build during the 1850s…part of a 7 series documentary titled ‘7 wonders of the industrial world’, which reminded me of another episode that I watched about the Brooklyn Harbor Bridge…of all the 7 episodes…this one was my favorite…the bridge is truly a modern marvel, the way it was constructed was simply stunning…the amount of detail and lateral thinking involve…it’s a story of passion, perseverance and courage…but above that…it’s a love story…about a wife’s enduring love and unending devotion to her husband …check it out sometime…it has something for everyone…action, romance…you name it.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Home at Last

Yes people…I’m back…‘The P’ is back in town…man…it’s so good to be back…the sights, the sounds, the taste and the smell…everything…it just feels so…eeerrr…home. Well, first thing’s first…I didn’t really plan to blog so soon…I was going to put this off for a bit, however, with Christmas looming, and Sam’s impending return plus the family’s new desktop (which translate to less time for me on the comp)…which is sad, cause I’ll have to relinquish the ‘position of power’…the home office…we have one of those ‘Dr. No’ chairs…which makes me feel very important every time I sit on it…

Anyway, KK is very different now…well, true to nature, the place has once again increased in development after 10 months…the streets are wider and brighter now, and that just in the Damai area, who knows what it the city looks like now (I mean besides the KK folks who have been around for those 10 months that is)…

Anyway, I have to say…mom has again increased her socialite (apologized in advance for calling my mom a socialize…she does very very serious and important stuff) image by driving a new car and spotting a new handphone…seems like all the new things in the house belongs to mom…hahahaha…good one her…and my room is just as comfortable as ever…so much space to roll around…it’s a luxury often taken for granted…specially to those who don’t appreciate the subtle art of sleeping…oh and Astro has a ‘food’ channel…man…think about the potential of this new TV you can lock up a obese criminal and play make him watch the food channel 24-7…hahahah…

Anyway…here are a few things around the house which I had to archive…

Hot cocoa and some fresh bake chocolate cookies with some Christmas music at the back ground and it would be perfect...ahhahaha, though I wished the family continued the presents under the tree tradition.

I found this picture very interesting...reminds me of the ATP's old 'New Balls Please' campaign when they tried to market some of the up-and coming tennis stars. It's a picture of I guess, the people involved in Sam's company with the marina thing...I was actually very interested in the whole thing...unfortunately I have to confess, I didn't actually read the article, since it was too long and *ahem* boring, plus I only wanted to read the piece on 'Team Sam' rather than all of the other contestants...Look at them man...hahaha, the next generations of young architects in the forefront of the industry...

Man, Sam wasn't kidding when he said Buddy was gosh she's fat...she's like this huge tub or lard...gigantic ball...kindda like Jubba the Hutt...I don't know if this picture does justice but believe me...she's huge...

The 'Plan' view...hopefully it'll give you a better idea of how big she is...although i still think this picture doesn't do any justice...

This is going to be a great break…although there are tons of stuff I need to do…besides catching up with friends…lots of administration stuff, like renewing my passport, going to the bank…and see a doctor…hahahaha, last time my throat swelled up…the diagnosis was that I’m allergic to KK…so I’’ll need to get medication for that…tough love…

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

When in Doubt…Go Where The Money Is…

I don’t know how to describe the feeling I have now…I just found out today that I could have earn a considerable more amount of money over the summer…long long story…but all I can say that it was a horrible misunderstanding…oh well, just have to satisfied with what’s on the table on the moment…still $500 a week has a slightly better ring than $375. Shame…Anyway…work has been eeeeerrrr…good I suppose…same old good routines…same old good work…same old good day…same old, same old…So…should I use this time for some sort of reflection……nah……I’ll pass……

Anyway…I found this video by accident…I think it’s really funny…10 bugs to the person who guess what spoof is this…

Oh, did I mention I went down to Canberra for the weekend, with a bunch of people for a Christian conference. It was eeerrr…good (for a lack of a better word)…Anyway, one of the speaker used this video as an illustration or statement…whatever makes more sense…I’ll explain it more perhaps another time…at this point of time…too lazy…think of it as a preview…

P.S…I did a personality test which says that I’m the next Bono…hahahahah…or at least one of the next Bono, depending on how many people actually did the test and got similar results as me…

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Long Hiatus Over

Man…I just realized I haven’t updated my blog in about 3 months, cause it felt more like a month or so…anyway, no more excuses…schools out for a duration of 3 months (it seems like I start every post with some sort of an apology). So yeah, I’m in cruise control now, holiday summer break has just begun and it has barely sink in yet, I’ve mostly just been chillin’ and hanging out with my homiez. Most of the ‘hanging with my peeps’ have been involving food…usually free grub…hahahah, can’t turn that down…but I must say, I’ve done some pretty productive stuff as well, like cleaning up my room…it’s so clean now, you can eat off the floor…really, I’ve never seen it this clean since I moved into the room…oh, we (as in FOCUS group) finally manage to fly kites. It’s been a long project in progress which had been put off countless of times due to either weather or exam commitments…but when those suckers finally were air-borne…man…it was worth it… kite flying was naturally my idea, hahahhaha, cause I remembered making kites and flying them at Tg. Lipat when we (Serene and Sam) were younger…good times…

Anyway, I accidentally stumbled onto these videos while I was ‘You-Tubing’, they’re highly addictive, once you start you can’t stop…well, at least to me…so here are some of the best ones (but honestly, they’re all good, check them out yourselves sometime).

And the WINNER IS…….!!!!!

For those of you who don’t know already…I’m a sucker for romance movies…specially the ones with very good, corny, happy and sappy endings…ahhahahahaha…not, but here are a couple of really them with really really good endings in my opinion…

N’ways, my summer research programs starts tomorrow…I’m quite excited…wish my luck…

Oh, and a word of advice for all the people out there whether young or old, male or female, ‘thick’ or thin…BE ACTIVE, BE BRAVE, MOVE FORWARD…

P/S, advice is not from me…hence I’m not responsible for the outcome of any event if users decided to heed those words…

Oh, and I PROMISE to TRY to keep this blog as updated as possible.

Monday, August 13, 2007

The Crying Game

Man...I don't know what it is...but lately for some reasons, I've been really into the 80's tunes...I've been listening to a lot of Sinead...I must say...the 80's did produce some rather memorable music...I hope my pal Speedo doesn't get hold of this post...considering I was verbally bashing him (in the most respectable way of course) about his love for the 80's...seems like he recalls a lot of the 80's considering he's only a year older than me...oh well...the only thing I can remember from the 80's is "Wacko Jacko"...good's not that I don't acknowledge that the 80's produces some of the finest music of our time...but calling it the "golden age of music"??? Man...that is just know what I'm sayin'?...'high five from Sam...he knows what I'm talking about' yeah... I've been listening to Boy George's 'Crying Game'...I can't seem to get that tune out of my head...I catch myself humming that tune whenever no one is's a nice song none the less...I remember how that song was constantly on repeat over the high-fi system like it was

Don't want no more...of the crying game....

Friday, August 10, 2007

The Inevitable Update

Mornin’ troopers…how’s the fort holding up? Anyway, just to get formalities out of the way…I sincerely apologize for the lack of updates…I don’t explicitly know why I’m doing so…because…maybe life is really mundane here…not that I hate mundane…in fact, thrive in it…just that sometimes I lack the skills to juice up the unexcitable stuff.

So it’s now week 4 (or rather the end of…) which means works has been steadily pilling up…which is always a bummer…somehow my mind tells me that work load should increase as I get deeper into the course, but my body just is unable to keep up…but like always…by God’s grace…I will cope…

Well, week 4 is quite an extravagant event for NCS (Newcastle Christian Students/Society…don’t really know)…it’s typically known as evangelical week…so as the name suggest, the NCS members will be frantically promoting their evangelical events running throughout the rest of the semester…so, as FOCUS is part of NCS, we too are helping to promote those events…more specifically…our Friday talk entitled “Why didn’t Jesus come to my country”…which is not really a talk aiming at evangelizing…but more as an introduction to Jesus…hopefully, that will get them curious enough to join the other organized evangelical programs…

Anyway, our FOCUS group decided to set up a free coffee/tea stand in front of the library’s computer lab to facilitate our promotion of the bible talk on Friday (did I say it right….sounds funky)…anyway… like mom ordered…I took some pictures (actually I gave the camera to a friend and told her to go crazy)…so enjoy

P.S, I think I write more than necessary…I must learn how to compact my writings…

That's Tana, she's a pretty cool chic...she does a mean "talk to the hand" gesture
Penny Lane a.k.a Rockstar and The D-Man (FOCUS worker) having a chat
Yoong doing the stereotypical "asian pose"...I put this up to illustrate a point...oh and she's quite a fan of Dad (as in my Dad), because I told her Dad liked Duran Duran, Backstreet Boys and trance music
Matt filling up the thermos
Yours truly indulging a Tim-Tam cookie with a nice cold polystyrene cup of fresh milk...oh and that's Ruth to my left

Oh, by the's just a coincidence (or maybe not a coincidence, depending on how you look at it) that there were mostly girls in the pictures...First, i didn't take the pictures...someone else did...but really, Matt was effectively the only guy helping that night, I was just there to take some snap shots (did my shift on Tuesday) there you go...

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Blast From The Past

Top of the day gov’ner!

Well peeps, another semester has gone by…and I’m here alone in my room alone finally able to reflect on what was a rather eventful and hectic semester…looking back…I have so much to thank God for…for one, I guess it was my semester results, I pretty aware that I’ve been quite visibly paranoid about it…but at the end…somehow, I manage to surpass even my own expectations…I felt somewhat undeserving at first, but after listening to George’s (he’s the lecturer for one of my subjects this semester…again) explanation which in essence was that our results reflected our comprehension on the subject…but, I would be rather blunt to think I did it all on my own…so, not through formalities or force, I thank God for not only my results, but all the experiences of last semester…

Anyway, contrary to what people might think, I do think about home more than ‘once in a while’, and I do miss home and the familiarity of it…I was just browsing through some of my photos, and I realize I have quite a decent sizable archive of pictures…Anyway, I was just reliving all those moments in my mind (and it still brings a chuckle or two)… So, allow me to share some of those moments with you guys.

This is Newcastle beach during the winter...the breeze always ensures a smooth surface

That's dinner at TEDS (at the dining hall)...during my freshman year...good memories, but i rather no go through that all over again. Oh, and that Lina to my right

I don't know the deal with the pose...but i think this picture was taken in a McDonald's where Jia Meng did her placement...I think it's funny how a McDonald's found its way into a hospital

That were some of the guest for my 21th birthday...the funny thing was that I knew it was coming, but it still took me by least I had my shirt and pants on when they barge in my was fun...

There's something to be said about our brotherly relationship...somehow we seem to enjoy ourselves at the expense of the other's suffering...hahaha

The thought of more surprises was petrifying

Lazy Sunday afternoons...the best kind

You know who they are...the folks...heheheeh, boy have they aged gracefully...seeing my parents is always a sight for sore eyes...

The patio has become somewhat a prominent feature of the house...perfect for those lazy days.
Baby Ryan (or not so baby anymore), will always have the distinction of being the 1st 5th generation of the family...that's quite an honor.

Two of my cousins...I put this picture simply because I was telling my some of my friends over here about the time I prank a highschool friend into thinking Caleb was WanWan...which by the way, was true...good times.

Man, I remember this picture like it was my last post, I elaborated on Serena's courage...I think this says it all about Dad (affectionately known as the "fighting cock")...despite having his shoulder disc dislocated, and for the better part...looking like Quasimodo, he was still out there attending business commitments and hanging with the family.

This picture is prove the man can experience both happiness and pain at the same time...or rather...that joy can be the best suppressor to pain...Dad loves spending time with his nieces and speaks highly of them...which is a good thing...

'Christmas by Candlelight'...this has always been one of my highlights of the I just love Christmas...such peace and serenity...there's just something about a large group of people gathering together and singing/belting Christmas carols and remembering the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ...or should I say...the unveiling and fulfillments of God's plans...

Serene's rookie year as a wife...need to ask for her current stats to see how's she going now...

This was a small gathering of friends to celebrate Christina's (chick to my right) birthday.

The reason i decided to put this picture; I think Sam looks like Tom Green...oh, this was in Kinabalu National Park.

The last Chinese New Year I celebrated back home...well, I have nothing against Chinese New Year, but it's always feel so monotonous and 'too festive' for my taste...besides, it's CNY is essentially a celebration of 'ME'

Next Gen civil engineer...soon the future of some of the world's infrastructures will be thrust unto our hands...

Is it me, or does Samuel seem to have an uncanny ability to know when the camera/spotlight is on him...I think this shot was suppose to be candid.
Family gathering to celebrate grandma's 74th birthday...I remember it as a day that the family seem extra bonded for the occasion...I think Dad said it was the 1st time the whole family gathered to celebrate grandma's or any member for that matter birthday.

Not to brag...but i think I had my share of achievements in high school...just a little slice of the cake...

Last day at wintercon (organized by the Newcastle Christian Society,NCS camp). For some reason, some of us decided to brace the chilly breeze to watch the sunrise at Foster beach.

And here's the sunrise...I particularly like this picture...I think the Sun puncturing the skies beyond the horizon was quite a spectacular sight.

Picture of some of the boys at wintercon...from left: Brendon, me, Homo and Johnny Boy...

Well, I have to apologize for not taking more pictures...but you know...I was more in a spontaneous mode and definitely there to enjoy things at the spur of the, yeah... was hard to like say "Playing Ball? Hold on, let me take a picture before i join ya...". I mean, i could, but it just wouldn't be me...anyway...wintercon was a great camp to relax and have fun... but more importantly...get refreshed and recharge for the following semester...this one week i guess help me get re-acquainted, relearning the Gospel and the cross...or see the bigger picture of the concept of the cross...I say concept because i don't have the proper word to describe it now...Oh, and the teachings also allowed me to be clearer on prioritizing and equipping myself to answer the hard questions that being a Christian demands...

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy the picture...and Mom...does this warrant my ownership of the camera

Monday, July 09, 2007

Wimbledon 2007

Alas, after two weeks of frustrating rain delays, Wimbledon 2007 ended in a high. In what most fans would agree, one of the best Wimbledon finals in a long time. Certainly this year’s Wimbledon championships will be remembered by all those who witness it for a long long time. In the organizers and directors department, it surely was an ironic two weeks. Just when they finally decide to rectify a problem that has lasted for more than a century (I think), the championship endured the worst showers in 25 years…score one more for old Murphy, though I must admit, having roofless center court was quite an odd sight. This year also marked the very first time both men and women received equal prize money, as Venus promptly testified in her victory speech, which simply means that peer pressure will eventually win in the end. Anyway, having said all that, the mark of the All England championship have always hinged on the quality of matches it produces, this year was surprise surprise, no exception. I’ll just give a small synopsis of some of the players that stood out for me this year;

Novak Djokovic – I really believe this kid has more talent/potential than Nadal, he boast a great serve, very solid (with a pop) ground-strokes of both wings and exceptional hands a feel. However, at this moment, it just potential and hasn’t really translated into huge success, a lot of players have suffered this terrible fate, which boast a cast like Kournikova, Phillipousis, Haas..etc (although 2 semi-final appearances in a grand-slam and a masters shield ain’t half bad),…if he continues to develop his game, I think Nadal isn’t the only one who should be worried, a certain Federer should be weary as well…but we should all give him credit for playing 3 matches with bad blisters on his foot.

Richard Gasquet – This dude has been long touted as the next best thing (since he was like 8), and I think this has somehow went in to his head, many critics has compared him to the Mighty Federer, and they do poses similar games, but again, at the moment it’s just potential and talent. But man, did this guy have a whopper of a quarter-final match. In my opinion, the best match of the championships…Gasquet pulled of an amazing 93 winners in this match, that’s an astonishing number.

Serena Williams – I still think she is way too arrogant, especially since she never gives her opponents enough credit when she loses. But, during this fortnight, she showed a heart of a champion, and the reason why she still remains one of the most dominant player in the woman’s circuit. During her 4th round match with Daniela Hantuchova, she came down with a serious bout of the cramps and could barely move, but to her credit, she insisted on carrying on and eventually beat a bewildered Hantuchova (courtesy of a rain delay, and just in the nick of time I might add), who must be still licking her wounds. Boy did she showed some fight and hussle in that match…US summer hardcourt season…look out.

Ana Ivanovic – Another consistent showing at the slams, which was only halted by an on form Venus. She had a great match against Vaidisova, especially fighting from a break down in the 3rd. I would really like her to do well in the WTA. Hopefully she doesn’y fall prey to the Kournikova curse.

Nikolay Davydenko – Daddy’s sentimental favorite. Again, he displayed another consistent showing at the slams. Showed great fight in the 1st round to fight from two sets down to a player (forgot who), who really should have beaten Kolay. Kolay, although never the prettiest guy on court, or even boast the prettiest game on tour, counters that with an efficient game with a nice balance of power and counter-punching, which reminisce of Medvedev and Kefelnikov. If he never wins a slam, at least he can always boast about marrying a very beautiful wife (which happens to be true)…

Juan Carlos Ferrero – Had his best result at Wimbledon this year with a quarter-final appearance. It’s good to see the former number 1 start to regain some of his old form if not better. It was good to hear him say that he was trying to beat Federer in his QF match instead of “being happy to be in the QF and just glad to have a shot at the Mighty Federer”, which I think too many players tend to do these days, specially when playing Federer.

Marion Bartoli – Definitely was riding a dream at this year’s championship, with her 1st grand-slam final appearance. She had an incredible two weeks with scalps over Jankovic and her career highlight I suppose, with a win over the No.1 seed Henin, which prevented the press dream fiinal, I can just imagine the headlines “Big Sister Ready to Take Revenge for Little Williams”. She should a game which was both intriguing and unorthodox, with two-fisted groundies of both wings, and a much exaggerated serving and receiving routine. A good blend of counter-punching and tactical forethought are some of the strengths in her game. A lot of so called “good players” should take a page from her game…if they did, maybe players like Myskina would have become such a horrible player, or maybe Dementieva would have won a slam by now. Really push Venus in the final, unlike what the score suggest.

Venus Williams – If one player that could over-shadow Bartoli’s achievements, it would be Venus…although she did struggle to early on, she hit form at just the right time, with wins over Kuznetsova, Sharapova and Ivanovic…what more can I say about Venus, it’s power power and more power…she came in at a low seed but manage to power through to the title…which just proves that you can’t ever count a Williams out.

Rafael Nadal – Wow, did he played great tennis these fortnight…he did struggle early on, as one would suspect, but once he got into the second week (where he could gather some momentum and form, plus the courts do get slower as the championship progresses). I thought Berdych would have beat him in the 4th round…but alas, he had too much form coming into Wimbledon this year that even those big serves and groundstokes couldn’t stop him…after that match, it was clear that I would take something special to topple the feisty Spaniard. I must admit I’m not a huge fan of Nadal, but I’m starting to have a lot of respect for this player…he doesn’t have much, but what he has…he has a lot…he navigated though this years draw (albeit a though one), with superb counter-punching, finding angles and a lot of heart, guts and gusto…and an uncanny ability to spot line calls, even if they were a couple of millimeters in…it was just ridiculous…never the less, I could tell that he was utterly gutted and disappointed after losing in the finals…anybody could tell that he wanted to win bad…real bad…but overall, he has no doubt been the best player this year so far…Looks like Federer’s strangle hold on pole position looks to be in serious threat with the Spaniard breathing down his neck...the pit-bull crest on his shoes are a fitting description to his style, but seriously, get rid of those pirata pants…Let the second half of the season commerce…

Roger Federer – What else can be said about the Mighty Federer that hasn’t been said. The player that has every shot in the book, as well as making new ones along the way…It such a pleasure watching Federer’s silky smooth play…even more than that…is to be able to witness him play through history and breaking records, his sponsors were so confident that they even made him a retro suit to commemorate his victory…this year win would be his 5 Wimbledon title and 11 major title…the 5th Wimbledon title now equals Bjorn Borgs 5 straight Wimbledon titles…It ironic that Borg called Federer in the 2001 championships to thank Federer for preserving his record (Federer beat Sampras to prevent him from winning his 5th straight)…6 years later, Borg would be sitting in the stands watching the maestro equaling that incredible feat himself…I bet Borg now regrets more than ever retiring so early in his career. Anyway, when tomorrow’s/today’s paper gets printed and sent to the news agencies, all the sports columnist would agree that Nadal was the better player thoughout larger portions of the match…From the beginning of the match, it was apparent that Nadal was going to severely test, he pushed Federer far and wide…and both players were all over the court, with Nadal in control most of the time…preventing Federer from dictating the points from the baseline…It certainly looked like it was going to be a very bad day for Federer, nothing was going his way…his shots very pretty much spraying all over the court, and he could not even buy a call…while Nadal was having all the calls going his way, with his shots overruled with a couple of millimeters to spare, while Federer was just the opposite, with nothing going his way…I think at the end, on paper, Nadal should have won, with more breaks of serves, more break opportunities, less unforced errors, and about equal winners…but in the end, Federer, a true measure of a champion manage to salvage just enough resources to win. I think this final again showed why Federer is head and shoulders above the competition, with one of his most potent but intangible quality, which is his ability to stick close to his opponents when his back is against the wall and find a way to win…most telling was his ability to hang in the 3rd set after being largely outplayed by Nadal, and winning in the tiebreak…and of course that 5th set (gee haven’t seen a 5 set final in a long time), after facing two break points in the 3rd game and another 2 at the 5th game, eventually found a way to break Nadal in the 6th game, who was rock solid in his serve thoughout the match…and again the the 8th game for the championship, by taking risk…and daring go for his shots that he was missing early in the match…it doesn’t matter how well you play in the match, it’s how you play the big points that count…and that my friends, is why Federer deserves to win this year’s Wimbledon…and why he’s still the King of The Wimbledon Lawns…

This rivalry is turning to be one of the intriguing on in recent years, both Nadal and Federer only have 2 losses in grand slam final appearances…and both losses were against each other…Anyway, I’m of to Church Camp for the next 5 days…so won’t be updating…hahahaha, but that isn’t really much of a surprise isn’t it?

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Quick Update

As some of you are aware, there has been a major storm around the coast of NSW. Some people have express their concern for my safety...unfortunately, i ran out of credit, so i couldn't reply any sms that was sent. Anyway, just want to let you guys know that i'm fine...the uni suffered some damage but none too serious. Exams starts on Tuesday...wish me luck...

Friday, April 27, 2007

The Degradation of a Culture

A couple of days ago, I had a conversation with my friend Jackie (a.k.a China Boy). I was curious about some of the cultures in mainland China. Basically I was asking him about authentic festivals in China, e.g. Traditions, how they celebrate, and particularly the stories linked with the festivals itself…etc. Ok, now that I’ve finished setting up the scenario. Here’s how our conversation unfold;

The festival in question was “Mooncake Festival”. Obviously, being pure Chinese, he celebrated this particular event. So I laid out the question like this “My Dad and primary school teacher used to tell me that Mooncake Festival was to celebrate the successful toppling of the government (long long ago)”…story goes like this, long ago, in China, the people where unhappy about their government regime. So, the people decided to revolt. I assume the regime exercise marshal law at the time, hence, the rebels communicated with each other via notes stuffed into little pastries…long story short, the rebels were able to topple the government due to the ‘hush hush’ or their plan. I also told him my mom would tell me this myth when I was little about “the princess on the moon” (Chang Eer Bpen YueàSorry, best I could do)…again, long story short, the princess ate some kind of drug and ended up flying to the moon…I mean literally fly to the moon…I don’t mean getting stoned…Jackie had a version about 2 lovers on the moon (somehow, that reminded me of the song, “under the lover’s moon”), but it’s basically still the same princess (and both involved a moon).

Anyway, I asked him which story is engraved to the festival…what surprised me was that he said mooncake festival is linked with the “Princess Chang Eer”…and that he had never heard of the story of the rebels and I was the first person to enlighten him on this issue. Well, I don’t know about you, but the story about the rebels seems more convincing. I mean, that would make the celebration more meaningful…you know…about oppression, freedom and equality. Sadly, the memory of these brave rebels have faded into thin air…and replaced by some Princess on the moon.

Unfortunately…mooncake festival is just one many festivals that has deviated from it’s true meaning…Christmas for example…celebration of the birth of Jesus…now, Santa seem to have taken center stage. Easter-the death and resurrection of Jesus…but for some reason…chocolate, bunnies and eggs found it’s way to this most meaningful celebration …(Easter and some celebration of fertility were combined into one festival (or some other more appropriate word)). Christianity isn’t the only victim in this vicious degradation… In England, most people have forgotten why they celebrate the “Bonfire Festival”…and in Australia…I bet nobody knows what St. Patrick’s Day is about (to be honest…I don’t either)…all I know is that on this day…people drink all day all night…can it really be such a shallow joyous occasion?…but then again…that the only thing the Irish is good for…

It’s sad that such significant events/celebrations (well, maybe except St. Patrick’s Day)… eventually…all of the memory of history past will just be forgotten…how sad indeed. I guess that’s why Mom and Dad always made it a point to help us understand the truth behind each festival…and I guess the truth behind everything…hopefully, we’ll all be more careful and not take things for granted in the future.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Hah...No More Complains Ya'll

Hello everybody, it’s been a while. I apologize, there’s really no good reason for the lack of post, well, other than laziness and lack of ideas. Anyway, just wanted you guys to know everything is fine over hear in Newcastle. The weather is finally starting to feel like autumn, and not a moment too soon. The heat was just annoying. Well just to let you know…I just started my second term of the semester. The courses have been going pretty smoothly. It’s definitely tougher but it does expose us to the current engineering practice in Australia. Oh, this semester, I’m taking a course called hydrology which is being thought by the head of the civil discipline. I must say, he kind of reminds me Wong Fu, my high school physics teacher. He sets the most ridiculous assignment question. Never the less, he has a sage like presence…he seems to command a lot of respects…from peers and students.

The FOCUS group (my bible study group) has been doing pretty well lately. There seems to be a different attitude among the circle. A sort of air of enthusiasm seems to be present now. Oh, F.Y.I, we have a new full time worker leading the group now, his name is Dene. He came this year as a replacement for Senno (who left to continue his ministry in Bathust). We all definitely miss him, he had such charisma and an easy going attitude. However we all have easily warm up to Dene as well. He’s definitely passionate about his work and an all around nice guy. But what strikes me the most is his incredible honesty with the group. He and his wife are so open about various aspects of their lives, like their finances and marriage. For instance, he go like “I just got this amount of money from…and I’m thinking of…” or “I currently have this amount of money…” in conversations. Sometimes he and his wife will talk about their marriage and like some of their struggles. I personally think it’s really neat that they feel they have nothing to hide from the group. I don’t think I never met anybody that honest or rather open in my life (family doesn’t count, we’re suppose to be open to each other).

Speaking of which, my friend had a very cute quarrel with his girlfriend (nothing serious). It all started when his gf decided to surprise him after class. So she waited for him outside the engineering faculty. Unfortunately, because he wasn’t expecting her, so they never met up. Naturally, he gets an angry phone call from her...I could tell that he was overcome by anxiety. So being the nice guy that I am, I gave him the best advice I could possibly give. I told him my standard 101 which was “I’m sorry…you were right… I was wrong…please forgive me…it won’t happen again”…and he replied “But I didn’t do anything wrong”…and hence my reply was simply “dude…you gave up your right to be ‘right’ the moment you decided to date”…hahahahahha…awesome…I particularly like fooling around with these two love bird…his gf would sometimes ask me “So what did you guys talk about during the break”…and I would go… “Well, he said…eeeeerrrr wait…no, I can’t tell you…it’s better that you don’t know.” Anyway, it’s all done in good fun…no damage (not even a dent) was ever done by any of my silly remarks… cause they know I’m just kidding (definitely sure)…

Anyway, I stop here…I’ll post more about my easter break when I get pictures of friends. I’m beat anyway…till then…